Take Action

If you’d like to help us to reform US military/foreign policy, there are a number of ways to get involved – it’s easy:

  • Advisory Ballot Questions. To bring the foreign policy debate down to the local level ask your city and county office holders to put advisory questions on the November 2023 ballots that let voters show their opposition to our militarized US foreign policy, as described on our Advisory Ballot Questions page.
  • Consider which of these additional tactics you can also use to “Make Foreign Policy A Local Issue”, including Citizen Diplomacy, as found in the link in the first bullet point below:
  • Work with others on projects as the Citizen Diplomacy suggestion made by one of our Board members. See our page on How to Rein in Militarism with Proven Tactics from US History for examples.
  • Sign our resolution, then download and print copies of the resolution to hand out to your friends and at events – See our resolution web page to do all of that.
  • Write to your elected representatives – that link can make that easy for you, even if you don’t know their addresses. This is very important, and your letter can (and should be) brief, so it only takes a few minutes.
  • Talk with friends and co-workers about problems with our military/foreign policy and its spending. Read the background information first on the various points in our resolution
  • Come to our meetings and events to meet others interested in reforming our foreign policy, and learn more about what we’re doing. We’re friendly, and our public meetings and activities are posted on our calendar. You might be amazed how people from widely varying political backgrounds can agree on important foreign policy issues!
  • Donate to the Foreign Policy Alliance to help us pay for printing of brochures, mailing them to candidates, hosting events, etc.
  • Help us line up speaker opportunitiescontact us if you can help arrange for one of our speakers to come to a meeting or event you know of.
  • Write Letters to the Editor (LTE’s) and/or op-eds to your local newspaper or favorite publication that covers foreign policy. Here are some good suggestions, to increase to increase the chances that your letter is published: from UCS and from WikiHow  Then please let us know if your letter or op-ed is published (and where and when, with a link to where people can find it online).